Applications in Natural Sciences
- Mathematical Treatment of the Degradation Process of Long Chain Molecules, Publications of the Institute for Applied Mathematics of the H.A.S. 2 (1953), 103-123 (in Hungarian).
- On the Limiting Distribution of Sums of Independent Random Variables with Values in Compact Topological Groups, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 7(1956) 11-16. With A. Rényi and K. Urbanik (in Russian).
- On the Independence in the Limit of Sums Depending on the Same Sequence of Independent Random Variables. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 7(1956) 319-326. Together with A. Rényi.
- Mathematical Treatment of the Rearrangement Process of Linear Methylsilicone Oils I. Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the H.A.S. 1(1956) 67-81 (in Hungarian). With F. Török.
- Mathematical Treatment of the Rearrangement Process of Linear Methylsilicone Oils II. Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the H.A.S. 1(1956) 349-356 (in Hungarian). With P. Révész.
- Über Kinetik und Gleichgewicht der Aequilibrierungsreaktion von linearen Methypolysiloxanedn I. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie 206(1956) 161-168. With B. Lengyel, F. Török.
- Über Kinetik und Gleichgewicht der Aequilibrierungsreaktion von linearen Methylpolysiloxanen II. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 208(1957) 33-41. With B. Lengyel, P. Révész, F. Török.
- Nature of Random Variation in the Nutrient Composition of Meals. Health Services Research 1(1966) 148-169. With J.L. Balintfy.
- Game Theoretical Model for the Dysthemic and Hysteric Neurosis and the Eysenck-Gray Theory of Psychopatic Behavior. Neuromedical Review (Ideggyógyászati Szemle) 31(1978) 154-165 (in Hungarian). With M. Kopp and Á. Skrabski.
- Human-environmental Game Theoretical Model. Hungarian Science (Magyar Tudomány) 172(2011) 665-677 (in Hungarian). With M. Kopp.